Buffalo Surgery Center completes final phase of multi-year expansion
New operating rooms pave way for increased patient capacity and state-of-the-art care
Amherst, NY— Buffalo Surgery Center’s Leadership team, along with Amherst Chamber of Commerce President/CEO A.J. Baynes will officially cut the ribbon opening their two-year multi-phase construction project. The last phase of construction was officially certified for use by the NYS Department of Health in January. This strategic endeavor has facilitated the expansion of six endoscopy suites at 3915 Sheridan Drive – completed in March 2023 – and eight operating rooms (inclusive of one local procedure room) at 3921 Sheridan Drive – completed in January of this year.
"This First-in-class addition to another thriving campus is a welcome addition to our community," said A.J. Baynes. "Buffalo Surgery Center is well positioned to be the busiest out-patient facility in our region."
“We’re proud of our entire team which worked so hard bringing this project to a successful conclusion. Buffalo Surgery Center plays a critical role in the delivery of health care in Western New York because of its cost-effectiveness, efficiency, specialization, and convenience, said David Uba, CEO of Excelsior Orthopaedics and Buffalo Surgery Center “By providing high-quality outpatient care in a more efficient and accessible manner, BSC improves patient outcomes and makes healthcare more affordable and sustainable for patients and insurers alike”
Several Amherst Town Board members and representatives from Senator Sean Ryan's, Assemblywoman Karen McMahon's, and Legislator Vinal's offices will accompany the Amherst Chamber of Commerce for this ribbon cutting.