Spruce on Main Ribbon Cutting: 4/29/2021

Spruce on Main takes over former
Everything Elmwood Amherst location
Spruce on Main collection of modern yet classic home décor, accessories & gifts
AMHERST, NY – Amherst Chamber of Commerce President & CEO, A.J. Baynes, joins Chamber member and owner Krista Sobon in announcing the Grand Opening of Spruce on Main, 11am on Thursday, April 29th at 4446 Main Street in Snyder, NY. 

Spruce on Main quickly became a reality for Snyder resident Krista Sobon. While taking walks with her daughters during the pandemic, they would pass the empty storefront and an idea started to grow.

In December of 2020, Spruce was born. Spruce on Main is a collection of modern yet classic home decor, accessories, and gifts. The shop also includes a section dedicated to infants and small children called Little Spruce and carries everything from footie pajamas to swaddle blankets to books and toys.

“I am encouraged and inspired by Krista, even during a pandemic she saw an opportunity,” said Baynes. “Brighter days are ahead, and the opening of Spruce on Main is just another prime example of those brighter days.”

Spruce is also proud to carry several local products, participates in the Shop 716 eGift Card program and continues to find ways to partner with other local businesses.
Spruce on Main is open Tuesday and Wednesday 10-5, Thursday and Friday 10-7 and Saturday 10-4.

Amherst Chamber of Commerce
It is the mission of the Amherst Chamber of Commerce to nurture a strong economic environment in Western NY, while providing members the tools to ensure their success. The Chamber seeks to service membership with value added benefits, while promoting sound public policy for the region. With a base of 75+ zip codes, they are committed to partnering with businesses and organizations in effort to uplift the entire Buffalo Niagara area.

A.J. Baynes    
President & CEO
Office: (716) 632.6905
Cell: (716) 868.6403